BitLife DE - Lebenssimulation وصف التطبيق
BitLife DE: The official German version of BitLife!
How do you want to live your BitLife?
Are you going to try to make the right decisions to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the love of your life, have children, and get a good education on the side.
Or will you make decisions that scare your parents? You could slide into crime, fall in love or go on adventures, start prison riots, smuggle duffel bags, and cheat on your spouse. You choose your story ...
Discover how life decisions can gradually add up and determine your success in the game of life.
Interactive story games have been around for years. But this is the first text-based life simulator that really simulates and mixes up adult life.
★ 2025-01-29 20:46:01
من:EC جهاز:RMX3710 OS:android 14
no sirve
★ ★ ★ 2025-01-27 20:59:49
من:DE جهاز:M2102J20SG OS:android 12
Eine Version die komplette freigeschaltet ist, wäre megaa
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2025-01-16 14:22:46
من:DE جهاز:SM-A225F OS:android 13
Ich würde mich darüber freuen wenn man kostenlos Dinge kaufen könnte wie in der englischen Version denn ich kann nicht so gut englisch lesen