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Vector Classic

Vector Classic مهكر APK 1.4.3 [المال غير محدود][شراء مجاني][ممتلئ]

تحديث على: 2024-11-15

الإصدار 1.4.3
اسم التطبيق Vector Classic مهكر
تحديث على 2024-11-15
بحجم 130.04 MB
مميزات التعديل [المال غير محدود][شراء مجاني][ممتلئ]
مطور Nekki
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Vector Classic مهكر

Vector Classic مهكر
Vector Classic مهكر
Vector Classic مهكر

Vector Classic وصف التطبيق

استمتع الآن بلعبة أكشن مليئة بحركات الباركور. في Vector اسع لنيل حريتك والركض. احرص على ألا يتم القبض عليك!

Vector لعبة مثيرة بنظام الآركيد تلعب فيها بدور هارب ذو مهارات فائقة ويركض بدون أن يوقفه أي شيء. تفتح اللعبة بمظهر على عالم استبدادي حيث الحرية والخصوصية لا شيء أكثر من مجرد حلم بعيد، لكن قلب الهارب قوي، وستنال حريتك قريبًا. اركض واقفز وانزلق وتسلق باستخدام أساليب استثنائية بناءً على رياضة النينجا الحديثة الباركور كي تهرب من مطاردينك أتباع ""الأخ الكبير"" الذي غرضه الوحيد أن يأسرك ويعيدك.

Vector مستوحاة من أساسيات الباركور ومبادئه، وأساليب التحكم الحدسية تعجب اللاعبين من جميع المستويات، كما أن المستويات ذات التصميم المعقد تتحدى أكثر اللاعبين مهارة بألغاز كثيرة تتطلب اتخاذ قرارات سريعة حيث ""تتدفق"" شخصيتك فوق أسطح المدينة البائسة.

مزايا اللعبة:

- أسلوب لعب الآركيد من مبتكري ألعاب Shadow Fight
- حركات باركور حقيقية مذهلة بفضل أدوات حركات مؤدي المواقف الخطيرة
- أكثر من 40 مستوى متحدي
- سريعة التعلم لكن صعبة الإتقان

Vector Classic وصف مخترق

Vector Full Mod Money is a popular mobile game developed by the well-known gaming company, Nekki. The game is an action parkour inspired platform where players play as a skilled runner, navigating through various environments in a dystopian world, trying to evade capture from a tyrannical government. The game offers various challenges, obstacles, and stunts that players must complete using a range of cool tricks.


Vector Full Mod Money offers a riveting action-packed experience that will keep players hooked. Featuring an impressive 40 levels, the game is designed to keep players engaged for hours as they navigate through different environments, such as abandoned buildings, factories, and city rooftops. The game also offers an endless mode, where players can keep playing until they die, trying to beat their previous score.

The game controls are easy and intuitive, allowing players to master the game quickly. The player can jump, slide, dash, and climb, allowing them to perform various stunts and evade obstacles. The game also features a "Quick Play" mode where players can practice their skills, which comes in handy for those trying to perfect their stunts.


One of the things that stand out in Vector Full Mod Money is its stunning graphics. The game features a stylish and visually appealing art style, with sleek and futuristic character designs that are pleasing to the eye. The game also features beautiful and detailed environments that will transport players to a dystopian world.


The game's soundtrack is also a standout feature. The music perfectly complements the game's action, providing an adrenaline-infused feel that immerses the player in the game. Sound effects are also on point, providing clarity and feedback on the player's actions.

Mod Money:

The mod money feature adds to the game's overall experience. With mod money, players can get access to unlimited money, allowing for more customization options, such as purchasing new abilities, outfits, and skins for their character. With this feature, the players will find the game much more enjoyable.


In conclusion, Vector Full Mod Money is a thrilling and enjoyable game that offers a unique blend of parkour, action, and adventure. Featuring stunning graphics, excellent sound, and easy-to-learn controls, the game is a must-try for lovers of the action and adventure genres. The mod money feature adds even more value to the game, making it highly addictive and rewarding. Overall, Vector Full Mod Money is a game that offers an unforgettable gaming experience.

Vector Classic دليل الفيديو المخترق

تقييمات ومراجعات

4.7 | 242 ۵ از ۵
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