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Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend

Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend مهكر APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]

تحديث على: 2024-07-26

الإصدار 1.0
اسم التطبيق Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend مهكر
تحديث على 2024-07-26
بحجم 798.36 MB
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Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend مهكر

Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend مهكر
Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend مهكر

Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend وصف التطبيق

Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend is a virtual girlfriend game that uses AI. Before you can play, you'll actually need to enter your OpenAI API Key, which you can easily create from your OpenAI account. All you have to do is paste the code from your OpenAI profile into the appropriate field in the game, and after a few seconds, you'll be able to start playing. This step is essential. Without the OpenAI API Key, you won't be able to play.

Use very simple controls

The controls in Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend are very easy to use— you can move your character with your left thumb and control the camera with your right. The interaction buttons are on the right of the screen, and if you press the button to talk, you can communicate with the character on the screen. If you have entered your API Key correctly, you can type any message and receive an AI-powered response. You can even enter an Azure key to chat with your device's microphone.

Advertisement Get out of the house

When you start Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend, your first goal is to escape the room you're in. To do this, the best thing is to ask Eddie, the girl with you, for help. The problem is that the game has so many ads that it's difficult to string together a couple of lines of dialogue without interruption. In addition to talking to Eddie, of course, you can move freely throughout the house and interact with different elements in the setting.

Escape with the AI's help

Download the Yandere AI Virtual Girlfriend APK if you're looking for a different game that can test you with a challenge requiring an AI's help. The only problems with the game, as mentioned above, are that you'll need an OpenAI account to start playing and that there are a lot of video ads while you play.

تقييمات ومراجعات

3.0 | 20 ۵ از ۵
avatar VRMXXP34H
2025-02-02 07:08:42

من:BR   جهاز:moto g52   OS:android 13

mas os criadores poderiam ter colocado em português e não dá de entender nada que ela fala e não dá de você conversar com ela

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avatar VLVT7NXAF
2025-01-27 01:15:59

من:FR   جهاز:SM-X210   OS:android 13

je peu même pas lui parler !

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2025-01-26 18:25:05

من:US   جهاز:TMRV075G   OS:android 14


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2025-01-22 01:42:44

من:BR   جهاز:SM-A055M   OS:android 14

eu abaixei mas não consegui falar com ela

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من:BR   جهاز:moto e(7)   OS:android 10

ruim demais

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2025-01-14 14:03:59

من:ES   جهاز:SM-A217M   OS:android 11

Pésimo rendimiento, y la sensibilidad es demasiado exagerado.

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من:MX   جهاز:CPH2477   OS:android 12

no le entiendo

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çok tohaf

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