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Horoscope Match

Horoscope Match مهكر APK 2.0.2 [مفتوحة]

تحديث على: 2018-09-12

الإصدار 2.0.2
اسم التطبيق Horoscope Match مهكر
تحديث على 2018-09-12
بحجم 3.9 MB
مميزات التعديل [مفتوحة]
مطور Drik Panchang Private Limited
تنزيل ملف apk الأصلي Horoscope Match APK
فئة Lifestyle
احصل عليه من Google Play Horoscope Match
Ringtone تحميل Toca Boca Ringtone
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Horoscope Match ميزات التعديل.



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Horoscope Match مهكر

Horoscope Match مهكر
Horoscope Match مهكر
Horoscope Match مهكر
Horoscope Match مهكر
Horoscope Match مهكر

Horoscope Match وصف التطبيق

Horoscope Match is an ancient custom to check compatibility between two partners. In India, most Hindu families check the compatibility between the girl and the boy before solemnizing any alliance between them.

The concept of compatibility check is valid for any two individuals irrespective of their gender and the relationship. The Horoscope Match app can be used to check compatibility between two boys, two girls and even compatibility between the master and the servant.

Horoscope Match is also known as Kundali Milan and Guna Milan. The compatibility check is based on eight individual qualities or characteristics of the person which are known as Guna in Vedic astrology parlance. It is believed that these 8 characteristics make the personality of a person and play significant role to decide the compatibility between two individuals.

It is suggested to perform compatibility check before committing for a relationship or partnership. It reduces the chances of disputes, separation and heart-breaks.

تقييمات ومراجعات

4.0 | 49 ۵ از ۵

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