تحميل HappyMod
Settings Editor Pro

Settings Editor Pro مهكر APK 2.13.3 [دفعت مجانا][شراء مجاني]

تحديث على: 2019-10-18

الإصدار 2.13.3
اسم التطبيق Settings Editor Pro مهكر
تحديث على 2019-10-18
بحجم 4.46 MB
مميزات التعديل [دفعت مجانا][شراء مجاني]
مطور Wilco375
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بيت التطبيقات Tools

Settings Editor Pro مهكر

Settings Editor Pro مهكر
Settings Editor Pro مهكر
Settings Editor Pro مهكر
Settings Editor Pro مهكر
Settings Editor Pro مهكر

Settings Editor Pro وصف التطبيق

This is an Xposed Module which requires the Xposed Framework to work. You can find more about the Xposed Framework here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
Devices below Android 5.0 (Lollipop) are not supported

This app allows you to easily add, change or remove items in (close to) stock Android Settings.

On first launch this app will get a list of all the settings items. You can add one by simply clicking the plus button. You can remove an item by long pressing it or edit one by clicking it. You can change the name, category, icon and application/fragment to launch. You can also change the order of the items and categories.

Other settings
• Change amount of columns
• Only show icons
• Change icon size
• Remove icon background
• Enable or disable color filter of icons
• Change the background color of the main settings screen
• Change text color
• Hide status text
• Launch an app by clicking its icon in the InstalledAppDetails activity
• Show the apps package name in the InstalledAppDetails activity
• Hide app icon from launcher

You can easily modify a setting by just clicking it or remove the modification by long clicking it.

تقييمات ومراجعات

3.9 | 35 ۵ از ۵
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